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Virology Epidemiology and Pathology of Glossina Hytrosavirus and Its Control Prospects in Laboratory Colonies of the Tsetse Fly Glossina pallidipes (Diptera; Glossinidae)

机译:舌蝇(Glossina pallidipes)(Diptera; Glossinidae)的实验室菌落的光泽弓形虫病毒的病毒学流行病学和病理学及其控制前景



The Glossina hytrosavirus (family Hytrosaviridae) is a double-stranded DNA virus with rod-shaped, enveloped virions. Its 190 kbp genome encodes 160 putative open reading frames. The virus replicates in the nucleus, and acquires a fragile envelope in the cell cytoplasm. Glossina hytrosavirus was first isolated from hypertrophied salivary glands of the tsetse fly, Glossina pallidipes Austen (Diptera; Glossinidae) collected in Kenya in 1986. A certain proportion of laboratory G. pallidipes flies infected by Glossina hytrosavirus develop hypertrophied salivary glands and midgut epithelial cells, gonadal anomalies and distorted sex-ratios associated with reduced insemination rates, fecundity and lifespan. These symptoms are rare in wild tsetse populations. In East Africa, G. pallidipes is one of the most important vectors of African trypanosomosis, a debilitating zoonotic disease that afflicts 37 sub-Saharan African countries. There is a large arsenal of control tactics available to manage tsetse flies and the disease they transmit. The sterile insect technique (SIT) is a robust control tactic that has shown to be effective in eradicating tsetse populations when integrated with other control tactics in an area-wide integrated approach. The SIT requires production of sterile male flies in large production facilities. To supply sufficient numbers of sterile males for the SIT component against G. pallidipes, strategies have to be developed that enable the management of the Glossina hytrosavirus in the colonies. This review provides a historic chronology of the emergence and biogeography of Glossina hytrosavirus, and includes researches on the infectomics (defined here as the functional and structural genomics and proteomics) and pathobiology of the virus. Standard operation procedures for viral management in tsetse mass-rearing facilities are proposed and a future outlook is sketched.
机译:Glossina hysasavirus病毒(Hytrosaviridae家族)是一种双链DNA病毒,带有杆状包膜病毒体。它的190 kbp基因组编码160个推定的开放阅读框。病毒在细胞核中复制,并在细胞质中获得脆弱的包膜。 Glossina hysasavirus最早是从采采蝇的肥厚唾液腺中分离出来的,Glossina pallidipes Austen(Diptera; Glossinidae)于1986年在肯尼亚采集。性腺异常和畸形的性别比例,与受精率,生育力和寿命降低有关。这些症状在野生采采蝇种群中很少见。在东非,苍白疟原虫是非洲锥虫病最重要的媒介之一,锥虫病是一种令人衰弱的人畜共患疾病,困扰着37个撒哈拉以南非洲国家。有大量的控制策略可用于管理采采蝇和它们传播的疾病。昆虫不育技术(SIT)是一种强有力的控制策略,当与其他控制策略以一种区域综合方法相结合时,已证明在消灭采采蝇种群方面是有效的。昆虫不育技术需要在大型生产设施中生产无菌雄性蝇。为了提供足够数量的不育雄性作为抗苍白球菌的SIT成分,必须制定策略来管理菌落中的Glossina Hysasavirus。这篇综述提供了Glossina玻尿酸病毒的出现和生物地理学的历史年表,并包括对病毒的感染组学(此处定义为功能和结构基因组学和蛋白质组学)和病理生物学的研究。提出了采采蝇大规模饲养设施中病毒管理的标准操作程序,并勾勒了未来的前景。



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