首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Personal Hygiene Practices among Urban Homeless Persons in Boston MA

Personal Hygiene Practices among Urban Homeless Persons in Boston MA




Persons experiencing homelessness in the United States experience significant barriers to self-care and personal hygiene, including limited access to clean showers, laundry and hand washing facilities. While the obstacles to personal hygiene associated with homelessness may increase risk of infectious disease, hygiene-related behaviors among people experiencing homelessness has received limited attention. We conducted a cross-sectional study of individuals experiencing homelessness in Boston, MA (n = 194) to identify hygiene-related self-care practices and risk factors for reduced hygiene in this population. Most participants (72%) reported taking a daily shower. More than 60% reported hand washing with soap five or more times each day, and use of hand sanitizer was widespread (89% reported using sanitizer in the last week). A majority (86%) used a laundromat or laundry machine to wash clothing, while 14% reported washing clothing in the sink. Heavy drinking, injection drug use, and sleeping outdoors were identified as significant risk factors for reduced hygiene practices. People experiencing homelessness who also engage in these activities may be among the most difficult to reach for intervention, yet targeted efforts may decrease illness risk associated with reduced hygiene. Housed friends and family play a critical role in assisting homeless individuals maintain hygiene by providing showers and laundry facilities.
机译:在美国,无家可归的人面临着自我保健和个人卫生的重大障碍,包括有限的清洁淋浴,洗衣和洗手设施。尽管与无家可归相关的个人卫生障碍可能会增加传染病的风险,但在无家可归的人中与卫生有关的行为受到的关注却很少。我们对马萨诸塞州波士顿市的无家可归者进行了横断面研究(n = 194),以确定与卫生有关的自我护理行为以及该人群卫生状况下降的危险因素。大多数参与者(72%)报告说每天都要洗澡。每天有超过60%的人报告每天用肥皂洗手五次或以上,而且洗手液的使用率很高(上周有89%的人报告使用洗手液)。多数(86%)使用自助洗衣店或洗衣机洗衣服,而14%的受访者表示在水槽内洗衣服。大量饮酒,注射毒品和在户外睡觉被认为是减少卫生习惯的重要危险因素。那些无家可归的人也参与这些活动可能是最难干预的人群,但是有针对性的努力可以减少与卫生状况降低相关的疾病风险。住所的朋友和家人在协助无家可归者提供淋浴和洗衣设施以保持卫生方面起着至关重要的作用。



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