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Reducing need and demand for medical services in high-risk persons. A health education approach.




We undertook this study to identify persons with high medical use to target them for health promotion and self-management interventions specific to their problems. We compared the reductions in cost and health risk of a health education program aimed at high-risk persons with a similar program addressed to all risk levels. We compared health risk and use in 2,586 high-risk persons with those of employee (N = 50,576) and senior (N = 39,076) groups and contrasted results in specific high-risk disease or behavior categories (modules)--arthritis, back pain, high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, smoking, and obesity--against each other, using validated self-report measures, over a 6-month period. Interventions were a standard generic health education program and a similar program directed at high risk individuals (Healthtrac). Health risk scores improved by 11% in the overall high-risk group compared with 9% in the employee group and 6% in the senior group. Physician use decreased by 0.8 visits per 6 months in the high-risk group compared with 0.05 and 0.15 visits, respectively, per 6 months in the employee and senior groups. Hospital stays decreased by 0.2 days per 6 months in the high-risk group compared with 0.05 days in the comparison groups. The duration of illness or confinement to home decreased by 0.9 days per 6 months in the high-risk group and 0.15 and 0.25, respectively, in the employee and senior groups. Using imputed costs of $130 per physician visit, $1,000 per hospital day, and $200 per sick day, previous year costs were $1,138 in direct costs for the high-risk groups compared with $352 and $995 in the employee and senior groups, respectively. At 6 months, direct costs were reduced by $304 in the high-risk group compared with $57 and $70 in the comparison groups. Total costs were reduced $484 in the high-risk groups compared with $87 in the employee group and $120 in the senior group. The return on investment was about 6:1 in the high-risk group compared with 4:1 in the comparison groups. Effective health education programs can result in larger changes in use and costs in high-risk persons than in unscreened persons, justifying more intensive educational interventions in high-risk groups.
机译:我们进行了这项研究,以找出具有较高医疗用途的人,以针对他们的问题针对他们的健康促进和自我管理干预措施。我们比较了针对高危人群的健康教育计划在成本和健康风险方面的降低,并针对所有风险水平制定了类似的计划。我们比较了2,586名高危人群与员工(N = 50,576)和老年人(N = 39,076)组的健康风险和使用情况,并比较了特定高危疾病或行为类别(模块)的结果-关节炎,背痛血压,糖尿病,心脏病,吸烟和肥胖症-在六个月内使用经过验证的自我报告措施相互对抗。干预措施是标准的普通健康教育计划和针对高危人群的类似计划(Healthtrac)。整体高风险组的健康风险评分提高了11%,相比之下,员工组的健康风险得分为9%,高级组的健康风险得分为6%。在高风险组中,医师使用每6个月减少0.8次就诊,而在雇员和高级组中,每6个月分别减少0.05和0.15次就诊。高风险组的住院时间每6个月减少0.2天,而比较组为0.05天。高风险组每6个月患病或入院的时间每6个月减少0.9天,员工和老年人组分别减少0.15和0.25。使用每次医生看诊130美元,每次住院日1000美元和病假200美元的估算成本,高风险组的前一年直接成本为1138美元,而员工和高级组分别为352美元和995美元。在6个月时,高风险组的直接成本降低了304美元,而对照组的直接成本降低了57美元和70美元。高风险组的总成本减少了484美元,相比之下,员工组的总成本降低了87美元,高级组的总成本降低了120美元。高风险组的投资回报约为6:1,而比较组为4:1。有效的健康教育计划可以使高危人群的使用和费用发生更大的变化,而不是未经筛查的人群,从而证明对高危人群进行更深入的教育干预是合理的。


  • 期刊名称 California Medicine
  • 作者

    J F Fries; D McShane;

  • 作者单位
  • 年(卷),期 1998(169),4
  • 年度 1998
  • 页码 201–207
  • 总页数 7
  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种
  • 中图分类
  • 关键词


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