首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy >Induction of emesis in Suncus murinus by pyrogallol a generator of free radicals.

Induction of emesis in Suncus murinus by pyrogallol a generator of free radicals.




1. We investigated whether or not pyrogallol, a generator of free radicals, is emetogenic in Suncus murinus, the house musk shrew. Pyrogallol (i.p.) caused dose-dependent emesis in suncus with an ED50 value of 77.3 mg kg-1. At a dose of 128 mg kg-1, all suncus vomited with mean latency of 18.8 +/- 5.2 min and the number of vomiting episodes was 8.6 +/- 2.9. 2. The prophylactic effects of N-(2-mercaptopropionyl)-glycine (MPG), an antioxidant, and tropisetron, a 5-hydroxytryptamine3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonist, were studied. Pyrogallol (128 mg kg-1, i.p.)-induced emesis was prevented by treatment with MPG (i.p.) or tropisetron (s.c.) with ID50 values of 149 mg kg-1 and 117 micrograms kg-1, respectively. 3. Pyrogallol-induced emesis was completely prevented by surgical abdominal vagotomy. 4. The present results indicate that pyrogallol-induced emesis is characteristically very similar to that caused by cisplatin and support the idea that generation of free radicals causes the release of peripheral 5-HT, which stimulates vagal afferent sensory nerves to cause emesis.
机译:我们研究了一种自由基生成剂连苯三酚是否在家麝麝(Suncus murinus)中致呕。邻苯三酚(i.p.)在太阳眼镜中引起剂量依赖性呕吐,ED50值为77.3 mg kg-1。以128 mg kg-1的剂量呕吐所有日光浴,平均潜伏期为18.8 +/- 5.2分钟,呕吐发作次数为8.6 +/- 2.9。 2.研究了抗氧化剂N-(2-巯基丙酰基)-甘氨酸(MPG)和5-羟色胺3(5-HT3)受体拮抗剂tropisetron的预防作用。吡咯洛尔(128 mg kg-1,i.p.)引起的呕吐可通过分别用IDG值为149 mg kg-1和117微克kg-1的MPG(i.p.)或tropisetron(s.c.)治疗来预防。 3.手术迷路迷走神经切断术完全避免了邻苯三酚诱发的呕吐。 4.目前的结果表明,邻苯三酚诱导的呕吐在特征上与顺铂引起的呕吐非常相似,并支持这样一种想法,即自由基的产生引起外周5-HT的释放,刺激迷走神经传入感觉神经引起呕吐。



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