首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>British Journal of Experimental Pathology >Induction of contact sensitivity by cell-associated immunocomplexes requires activation of the early complement components.

Induction of contact sensitivity by cell-associated immunocomplexes requires activation of the early complement components.




Lymph node cells collected from CBA/J mice 4 days after painting the skin with picryl chloride behave like antigen presenting cells and induce contact sensitivity when injected into naive recipient mice. The immunizing capacity of these '4-day' cells is due to T cells which carry on their membrane hapten-IgM immunocomplexes. Incubation of the cells with complement from mouse strains that express high C4 serum levels (C4H), abolishes their immunizing capacity. This effect is related to the activation of the early components of the classical complement pathway, as supported by experiments using C3 and C4-depleted or C5 and C6-genetically deficient mouse sera. The detection of different amounts of C3b and C4b on the surface of 4-day T cells after incubation with C4L and C4H sera supports the possibility that membrane bound activated complement components could modify the immunizing capacity of these cells. Results herein reported suggest that membrane-bound C3b and C4b are not per se inhibitory but interfere with the residual complement activating capacity of 4-day T cells. The role of complement activation by 4-day T cells is pivotal as complement depletion of recipient mice by cobra venom factor (CVF) inhibits the immunizing capacity of untreated 4-day T cells, while 4-day T cells treated with complement in vitro and injected together with C4a anaphylatoxin are able to immunize recipient mice.
机译:用氯化聚甲基吡啶涂抹皮肤4天后,从CBA / J小鼠收集的淋巴结细胞的行为类似于抗原呈递细胞,并在将其注射到幼稚的受体小鼠中时引起接触敏感性。这些“ 4天”细胞的免疫能力归因于T细胞携带其膜半抗原-IgM免疫复合物。用表达高C4血清水平(C4H)的小鼠品系的补体孵育细胞,消除了它们的免疫能力。如使用C3和C4缺失或C5和C6基因缺陷的小鼠血清进行的实验所支持,此效应与经典补体途径早期成分的激活有关。与C4L和C4H血清孵育后,在4天T细胞表面检测到不同量的C3b和C4b,支持膜结合的活化补体成分可能改变这些细胞的免疫能力。本文报道的结果表明,膜结合的C3b和C4b本身不是抑制性的,但会干扰4天T细胞的残余补体激活能力。 4天T细胞激活补体的作用至关重要,因为眼镜蛇毒因子(CVF)破坏了受体小鼠的补体,抑制了未经处理的4天T细胞的免疫能力,而用补体处理的4天T细胞在体外和与C4a过敏毒素一起注射的小鼠能够免疫受体小鼠。



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