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Spectrum of congenital heart defects and extracardiac malformations associated with chromosomal abnormalities: results of a seven year necropsy study




OBJECTIVE—To analyse the spectrum of congenital heart malformations, the frequency of extracardiac malformations, and the proportion of chromosome aberrations among fetuses sent for necropsy.
MATERIAL—Necropsies were performed on 815 fetuses—448 induced abortions (55%), 220 spontaneous abortions (27%), and 147 stillbirths (18%)—during a seven year period (1991-97) in the department of pathology of the Charité Medical Centre in Berlin. A congenital heart defect was identified in 129 cases (16%). For all 129 fetuses, karyotyping and an ultrasound examination had been performed.
RESULTS—Congenital heart defects were present in 22% of induced abortions (99 cases), 9% of spontaneous abortions (20 cases), and 7% of stillbirths (10 cases). The heart malformations were classified into 13 categories. A fetus with more than one defect was included only in the category of the most serious defect. The malformations in order of frequency were: ventricular septal defect (VSD) (28%), atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD) (16%), hypoplastic left heart (HLH) (16%), double outlet right ventricle (DORV) (12%), coarctation of the aorta (CoA) (6%), transposition of the great arteries (TGA) (4%), aortic valve stenosis (AoVS) (4%), tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) (3%), truncus arteriosus communis (TAC) (3%), pulmonary valve stenosis/pulmonary valve atresia (PaVS/PaVA) (3%), tricuspid atresia (TA) (3%), single ventricle (SV) (1.5%), and atrial septal defect (ASD) (0.5%). The most common congenital heart defects were VSD, AVSD, HLH, and DORV, which made up 72% of all the cases. In 11 cases the heart defect was isolated (no other cardiovascular or extracardiac malformations present), 85 cases (66%) were associated with additional cardiac malformations, 85 cases (66%) were associated with extracardiac malformations, and chromosome anomalies were detected in 43 cases (33%).
CONCLUSIONS—Fetal congenital heart malformations are common. These defects are often associated with other cardiovascular and extracardiac malformations, as well as with chromosome anomalies. Complex heart defects such as AVSD, HLH, and DORV are frequent in fetuses, as they often lead to spontaneous abortion or stillbirth or, after prenatal diagnosis, to deliberate termination of pregnancy.

Keywords: congenital heart defects; extracardiac malformations; chromosomal abnormalities; necropsy examination
结果-先天性心脏缺陷存在于22%的人工流产(99例),9%的自然流产(20例)和7%的人工流产中死产(10例)。心脏畸形分为13类。具有一个以上缺陷的胎儿仅被包括在最严重缺陷中。按频率顺序排列的畸形为:室间隔缺损(VSD)(28%),房室间隔缺损(AVSD)(16%),左心发育不良(HLH)(16%),右室双出口(DORV)(12 %),主动脉缩窄(CoA)(6%),大动脉移位(TGA)(4%),主动脉瓣狭窄(AoVS)(4%),法洛四联症(TOF)(3%),颈总动脉(TAC)(3%),肺动脉瓣狭窄/肺动脉闭锁(PaVS / PaVA)(3%),三尖瓣闭锁(TA)(3%),单心室(SV)(1.5%)和心房间隔缺损(ASD)(0.5%)。最常见的先天性心脏缺陷是VSD,AVSD,HLH和DORV,占所有病例的72%。在11例孤立的心脏缺陷病例中(不存在其他心血管或心外畸形),85 例(66%)与其他心脏畸形相关,85例(66%)与心外畸形相关,和染色体异常在43例中被检出(33%)。




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