首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BMJ Case Reports >Case Report: A rare case of localised pigmented villonodular synovitis in the knee of a 24-year-old female soccer player: diagnosis, management and summary of tenosynovial giant cell tumours

Case Report: A rare case of localised pigmented villonodular synovitis in the knee of a 24-year-old female soccer player: diagnosis, management and summary of tenosynovial giant cell tumours




Localised pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS) of the knee is a rare diagnosis, with clinical signs and symptoms mimicking meniscal damage or other common knee injuries.We report the case of a 24-year-old female soccer player, seeking treatment after 7 months of persisting knee pain. Additionally, we present an overview of tenosynovial giant cell tumours.On examination, the patient was found to have tenderness in the medial joint space of the knee. MRI revealed a heterogeneous formation in the central part of the knee. The formation was completely enucleated arthroscopically, histological analyses confirmed the diagnosis of localised PVNS. The patient was subsequently free of symptoms with no signs of recurrence on MRI and had resumed soccer practice at the 1-year follow-up appointment.
机译:膝部局部色素沉着绒毛结节性滑膜炎(PVNS)是一种罕见的诊断,其临床体征和症状类似于半月板损伤或其他常见的膝部损伤。我们报告了一名24岁女子足球运动员的病例,该患者在7个月的治疗后持续的膝盖疼痛。此外,我们对腱鞘巨细胞瘤进行了概述。经检查,发现患者膝盖内侧关节间隙有压痛。 MRI显示膝盖中央部分形成异质性。关节镜下完全清除该形成,组织学分析证实了局灶性PVNS的诊断。该患者随后无症状,MRI无复发迹象,并在随访一年后恢复了足球练习。



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