首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>BioMed Research International >Associations of Occupational Stressors, Perceived Organizational Support, and Psychological Capital with Work Engagement among Chinese Female Nurses

Associations of Occupational Stressors, Perceived Organizational Support, and Psychological Capital with Work Engagement among Chinese Female Nurses




This study aimed to explore the associations of occupational stressors (extrinsic effort, reward, and overcommitment), perceived organizational support (POS), and psychological capital (PsyCap) and its components (self-efficacy, hope, resilience, and optimism) with work engagement and the mediating roles of PsyCap and its components among Chinese female nurses within the framework of the job demands-resources (JD-R) model. A cross-sectional sample (1,330) completed the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, Effort-Reward Imbalance Scale, Survey of POS, and PsyCap Questionnaire, and effective respondents were 1,016 (76.4%). Hierarchical regression analysis and Preacher and Hayes' asymptotic and resampling strategies were used. Extrinsic effort was negatively associated with vigor, dedication, and absorption, while POS, PsyCap, and hope were positively associated with them. Reward and overcommitment were positively associated with dedication and absorption. Optimism was positively associated with vigor and dedication. Optimism mediated the associations of extrinsic effort, reward, and POS with vigor and dedication. PsyCap and hope mediated the associations of POS with vigor, dedication, and absorption. There is a low level of work engagement among Chinese female nurses. Extrinsic effort could reduce work engagement, while reward, overcommitment, POS, PsyCap, hope, and optimism could enhance work engagement. Hospital managers should develop the PsyCap of female nurses through controlling occupational stressors and establishing supportive organizational climate to enhance their work engagement.
机译:这项研究旨在探讨职业压力源(外在努力,奖励和过度投入),感知的组织支持(POS)和心理资本(PsyCap)及其组成部分(自我效能,希望,弹性和乐观)与工作的关系。在工作需求-资源(JD-R)模型的框架内,PsyCap及其组件在中国女护士中的参与和中介作用。横断面样本(1,330)完成了乌得勒支工作投入量表,工作量-奖励失衡量表,POS调查和PsyCap问卷,有效受访者为1,016(76.4%)。使用了层次回归分析以及Preacher和Hayes的渐近和重采样策略。外在努力与活力,奉献和吸收负相关,而POS,PsyCap和希望与之成正相关。奖励和过度投入与奉献和吸收正相关。乐观与活力和奉献精神正相关。乐观情绪将外部努力,奖励和POS与活力和奉献精神联系在一起。 PsyCap和Hope通过活力,奉献精神和吸收作用来介导POS的关联。中国女护士的工作投入水平较低。外在的努力可能会减少工作投入,而奖励,过度投入,POS,PsyCap,希望和乐观则可以提高工作投入。医院管理人员应通过控制职业压力源并建立支持性组织氛围来发展女护士的PsyCap,以增强其工作投入。



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