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Quality and effectiveness of an emergency department during weekends




>Methods: Quality and effectiveness markers were determined during 539 consecutive days, comparing them according to the day of the week. Quality markers were the daily percentage of patients who died in the internal medical unit (deaths, D), leave ED without being seen (flights, F); returned to the ED (revisits, R), and the percentage of registered complaints (C). Effectiveness markers were: the "number of patients waiting to be seen" (WP), the "waiting time to be seen" (WT), and the "length of visit" (LV). >Results: Quality and effectiveness of ED do not worsen during weekend days and some markers significantly improved during such days: C experienced a 26% decrease (p = 0.001), WT decreased 65% (p<0.001), WP 59% (p<0.001), and LV 24% (p<0.01). Assessing the relation between daily number of visits to ED and the quality and effectiveness markers, a significant and direct association was found of the number of visits with D, F, R, and WP. >Conclusion: Some of the quality and effectiveness markers of the ED improved during weekend days compared with workdays.
机译:>方法:在539天内连续确定质量和效果指标,并根据一周中的某天进行比较。质量指标是在内科病房死亡(死亡,D),离开急诊室而未被发现(飞行,F)的患者的每日百分比;退还给教育署(重访,R),以及已注册投诉的百分比(C)。有效性标记为:“等待被看诊的患者数”(WP),“等待被看诊的时间”(WT)和“就诊时间”(LV)。 >结果:ED的质量和有效性在周末期间没有恶化,并且一些标志物在此期间显着改善:C下降了26%(p = 0.001),WT下降了65%(p <0.001) ,WP 59%(p <0.001)和LV 24%(p <0.01)。评估每日访问ED的次数与质量和有效性指标之间的关系,发现D,F,R和WP的访问次数之间存在显着直接的关联。 >结论:与工作日相比,ED在周末的质量和有效性指标有所改善。



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