首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>American Journal of Public Hygiene >Medicaid Expansion Initiative in Massachusetts: Enrollment Among Substance-Abusing Homeless Adults

Medicaid Expansion Initiative in Massachusetts: Enrollment Among Substance-Abusing Homeless Adults




Objectives. We assessed whether homeless adults entering substance abuse treatment in Massachusetts were less likely than others to enroll in Medicaid after implementation of the MassHealth Medicaid expansion program in 1997.Methods. We used interrupted time-series analysis in data on substance abuse treatment admissions from the Treatment 0Episode Data Set (1992–2009) to evaluate Medicaid coverage rates in Massachusetts and to identify whether trends differed between homeless and housed participants. We also compared Massachusetts data with data from 17 other states and the District of Columbia combined.Results. The percentage of both homeless and housed people entering treatment with Medicaid increased approximately 21% after expansion (P = .01), with an average increase of 5.4% per year over 12 years (P = .01). The increase in coverage was specific to Massachusetts, providing evidence that the MassHealth policy was the cause of this increase.Conclusions. Findings provide evidence in favor of state participation in the Medicaid expansion in January 2014 under the Affordable Care Act and suggest that hard-to-reach vulnerable groups such as substance-abusing homeless adults are as likely as other population groups to benefit from this policy.
机译:目标。我们评估了在1997年实施MassHealth Medicaid扩展计划后,在马萨诸塞州接受药物滥用治疗的无家可归的成年人是否比其他人更不愿意加入Medicaid。我们在“零治疗”数据集(1992-2009年)的药物滥用治疗入院数据中使用了中断的时间序列分析,以评估马萨诸塞州的医疗补助覆盖率,并确定无家可归者和无家可归者之间的趋势是否有所不同。我们还将马萨诸塞州的数据与其他17个州和哥伦比亚特区的数据进行了比较。扩大后,接受医疗补助的无家可归者和有住房者的百分比增加了约21%(P = .01),在过去的12年中,每年平均增长5.4%(P = .01)。覆盖范围的增加是针对马萨诸塞州的,这提供了证据表明,MassHealth政策是造成这一增长的原因。调查结果提供了证据,表明国家支持根据《平价医疗法案》于2014年1月扩大医疗补助计划,并表明难以到达的弱势群体(例如吸食毒品的无家可归的成年人)与其他人口群体一样有可能从这项政策中受益。



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