首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Age >Induction of cell proliferation in old rat liver can reset certain gene expression levels characteristic of old liver to those associated with young liver

Induction of cell proliferation in old rat liver can reset certain gene expression levels characteristic of old liver to those associated with young liver




During the past decade, it has become increasingly clear that consistent changes in the levels of expression of a small cohort of genes accompany the aging of mammalian tissues. In many cases, these changes have been shown to generate features that are characteristic of the senescent phenotype. Previously, a small pilot study indicated that some of these changes might be reversed in rat liver, if the liver cells became malignant and were proliferating. The present study has tested the hypothesis that inducing proliferation in old rat liver can reset the levels of expression of these age-related genes to that observed in young tissue. A microarray approach was used to identify genes that exhibited the greatest changes in their expression during aging. The levels of expression of these markers were then examined in transcriptomes of both proliferating hepatomas from old animals and old rat liver lobes that had regenerated after partial hepatectomy but were again quiescent. We have found evidence that over 20 % of the aging-related genes had their levels of expression reset to young levels by stimulating proliferation, even in cells that had undergone a limited number of cell cycles and then become quiescent again. Moreover, our network analysis indicated alterations in MAPK/ERK and Jun-N-terminal kinase pathways and the potential important role of PAX3, VCAN, ARRB2, NR1H2, and ITGA5 that may provide insights into mechanisms involved in longevity and regeneration that are distinct from cancer.
机译:在过去的十年中,越来越清楚的是,一小群基因的表达水平的持续变化伴随着哺乳动物组织的衰老。在许多情况下,这些变化已显示出产生衰老表型的特征。以前,一项小型的先导研究表明,如果肝细胞变得恶性并正在增殖,那么其中的某些变化可能在大鼠肝脏中被逆转。本研究已经验证了这样的假设,即在老大鼠肝脏中诱导增殖可以将这些与年龄相关的基因的表达水平重置为在年轻组织中观察到的水平。使用微阵列方法来鉴定在衰老期间表现出最大表达变化的基因。然后,在部分肝切除后已再生但又静止的老动物和老大鼠肝叶的增殖性肝瘤的转录组中检查了这些标志物的表达水平。我们发现有证据表明,即使在经历了有限数量的细胞周期然后再次变得静止的细胞中,也有超过20%的衰老相关基因通过刺激增殖使其表达水平重置为年轻水平。此外,我们的网络分析表明,MAPK / ERK和Jun-N端激酶途径发生了改变,以及PAX3,VCAN,ARRB2,NR1H2和ITGA5的潜在重要作用,可能为长寿和再生所涉及的机制提供了与众不同的见解。癌症。



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