首页> 中文期刊> 《人民黄河》 >特细砂砂浆性能及砌筑砂浆配合比研究




采用特细砂作为细骨料配制水泥砌筑砂浆,探求其质量是否能满足工程建设要求。通过试验研究了灰砂比、水泥用量、用水量、砂子用量等因素对特细砂砂浆性能的影响,并对砌筑砂浆配合比进行了设计。结果表明:用特细砂配制的砂浆7、28 d 抗压强度比用中砂配制的砂浆的强度小。灰砂比为1:2.8和1:3.2时,P. S42.5水泥配制的砂浆的抗压强度大于P. S32.5水泥配制的砂浆。砂浆强度与灰砂比密切相关,灰砂比是衡量砂浆强度的一个计算变量。粉煤灰掺量在30%以内,砂浆的抗压强度都比不掺粉煤灰时有所增大,掺量为10%的砂浆抗压强度增长的速率最快,其抗压强度也最大。%It mixed cement masonry mortar by using super fine sand as fine aggregate and explored whether the quality could meet the requirement in project construction. It researched the influence of the cement-sand ratio,dosage of cement,water and sand to the performances of fine sand mortar through experiment and designed the masonry mortar mixture. The results show that 7 days and 28 days compressive strength of mortar pre-pared with special fine sand are smaller than prepared with medium sand. Cement-sand ratio of 1: 1. 28 and 1: 1. 32,compressive strength of mortar prepared with P. S42. 5 cement is greater than prepared with P. S32. 5 cement. Mortar strength is closely related to the cement-sand ratio,and the cement-sand ratio is one of its calculation variables. When the dosage of fly ash is within 30% ,the compressive strength of mortar is greater than that of without mixing fly ash. For The dosage of 10% mortar,its compressive strength growth rate is the biggest and it has the biggest compressive strength.



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