首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >南水北调中线禹州-长葛段施工期防汛体系构建




2013 is a key construction period for Yuzhou to Changge section of Middle Route Project of South to North Water Di-version, as the canal construction had been finished before the flood season, the water drainage passages on the canal right bank were blocked except for the channel-crossing buildings, which had impeded flood release of rivers and ditches and caused severe hidden dangers for flood control of the channel construction. For ersuring construction safety in flood season, the owner estab-lished a leading team of flood control and prepared engineering and non-engineering countermeasures covering flood control ma-terial and staffs. Due to thorough preparation and measures implement in place, the flood control work in 2013 had been fulfilled successfully, laying foundation for realization of project goals.%2013年是南水北调中线禹州-长葛段工程建设的关键期。由于汛前渠道开挖填筑已全面成型,导致总干渠左右岸除穿渠建筑物外的水流通道被全部截断,部分河渠交叉、左岸排水等建筑物上下游连通不畅,对河道行洪、沟渠排洪安全造成重大隐患。为确保汛期施工安全,建设单位在施工现场成立了安全度汛领导小组,制定了严格的度汛措施,包括工程和非工程措施,预备了充足的防汛物质和防汛抢险人员,并加强与地方防汛部门的沟通协调。由于准备充分,措施到位,圆满完成了2013年度汛任务。



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