首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >基于Opensees的桩土动力p-y曲线模型研究




桩土动力p -y曲线法在岩土工程中已得到广泛应用. 通过Opensees软件中内嵌的Pysimple1材料模型,利用p-y单元建立了土-单桩-承台相互作用简化模型. 分析在砂土和黏土p-y单元中的桩身和桩头承台动力响应特点,同时对不同自由场土体长度下桩身和桩头承台动力响应进行了分析. 结果表明,砂土p-y单元的桩头承台加速度峰值大于黏土单元,位移峰值小于黏土单元,桩身的剪力、弯矩都比黏土要大. 自由场土体长度越短,承台的位移和加速度就越大,当自由场土体长度达到300 m时基本满足计算精度要求.%The p-y curve method of pile-soil dynamic interaction is widely used in geotechnical engineering. A simplified a-nalysis model of soil-single pile-cap interaction is set up by using p-y element through the embedded Pysimple1 material model of the Opensees software. The dynamic response characteristics of pile and pile cap in p-y element of sandy soil and clay soil were researched and the dynamic response of pile body and pile cap under different length of free field were analyzed. The re-sults show that the peak acceleration of pile cap in the p-y element of sand soil is larger than that of the clay element, while the peak displacement is less than the clay element. The pile shearing force, bending moment and acceleration in the p-y element of sand soil are stronger than those of the clay element. The shorter the free field length is, the greater the displacement and ac-celeration of pile caps are. The requirement of calculation accuracy would be satisfied when the free field length reaches 300 m.



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