首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >桩承式加网复合地基桩土共同作用分析




By the method of shearing displacement analysis, the interactions between single pile with cap and soil are ana-lyzed, the formula of displacement and axial force for pile with cap under uniform loading are obtained. The finite element soft-ware, ABAQUS, is used to analyze the bearing performance of single pile in three dimensions, and the results are compared with those of the analytical calculation method. The comparison shows that the settlements of roadbed surface and pile top as well as the pile axial forces calculated by the above two methods are similar. The analytical calculation result is in consonance with the measured data, which verifies the accuracy of analytical calculation method.%采用剪切位移法分析了桩承式带桩帽单桩与桩间土的相互作用,得出均布荷载下带桩帽单桩的桩身位移、轴力公式. 用ABAQUS有限元软件对带帽单桩进行三维数值分析,将数值计算结果与解析公式结果进行比较,计算表明解析公式计算出的桩身轴力、桩顶沉降、路基表面沉降和有限元计算值接近. 将现场实测数据与解析计算结果进行比较,解析计算的沉降结果和实测沉降数据较吻合,说明所提出的解析法计算公式准确性较好,对工程应用有一定的参考价值.



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