首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >基于总入流概念的鄱阳湖设计洪水计算




Under the influence of natural evolution of rivers and lakes and human activity, the measured data of controlling sta-tion at outlet of Poyang Lake ( Hukou Hydrological Station) can not meet the demand of consistency and reliability. Moreover, the water regime of the lake area is complicated and the measured date is scare, so the design flood calculation is difficult. There-fore, on the basis of reservoir flood theory, the calculation method of total inflow was introduced. For the runoff of the hydrologi-cal station at tributaries and in the area lack of controlling station, only the propagation time superposition was considered, so as to avoid the influential factors. The calculation result can reflect the actual flood magnitude and temporal-spatial distributions, and it fulfills the demand of flood calculation standard.%由于受到江河湖槽自然演变和人类活动的影响,鄱阳湖出湖控制站实测资料无法满足一致性和可靠性要求,再加上湖区水情复杂、观测资料匮乏,导致设计洪水计算面临较大困难。基于入库洪水理论,引入了总入流的计算方法,对于湖区各支流控制站和无控区间来水的流量过程,只考虑传播时间的叠加,避免了对各种自然、人为因素影响的定量计算,计算结果真实反映了洪水量级与时程分配过程,满足设计洪水计算规范要求。计算成果可为鄱阳湖区综合规划、水利枢纽设计提供依据。



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