首页> 中文期刊>人民长江 >南水北调东线一期工程山东段执行水价政策研究




南水北调东线一期工程跨越江苏、山东两省,调水距离长、价格构成因素复杂。该工程水价采用国家制定的干线口门水价和各省制定配套工程水价的方式。通过分析计算,受水区用户入户水价为6.11元/m3,远高于城市终端平均水价3.43元/m3。针对高昂的供水价格,依据水利工程水价核算办法,结合工程通水实际情况,从水价成本核算、减免及优惠政策、执行水价政策等方面进行了探讨,并提出推行综合水价等建议。%The Phase I Project of South to North Water Diversion Project ( SNWDP) crosses Shandong and Jiangsu Provinces with a long distance and the water price determination factors are complicated. At present, the water prices are determined re-spectively by national government and provincial government for main canal and auxiliary project. It is estimated that the water price is 6. 11 Yuan/m3 in water service area. In the light of high water price, according to water price determination method of water conservancy project and in the combination of practical condition, the water price issue is discussed from the aspects of wa-ter price accounting, deduction and exemption, preferential policy, water price implement etc. and some suggestions on adoption of comprehensive water price are put forward.



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