首页> 中文期刊> 《世界核心医学期刊文摘:妇产科学分册》 >3个月缓释剂醋酸亮丙瑞林在淋巴结及受体阳性的围绝经期前乳腺癌妇女辅助性化疗中与CMF同效:TABLE研究




Purpose: Primary aim of this study was to investigate whether an adjuvant two year GnRHa treatment (leuprorelinacetate 3 month depot [LAD- 3M], Trenantone ) shows "non- inferiority" with respect to progression- free survival in comparison to CMF chemotherapy in hormone receptor- and nodal- positive, pre- perimenopausal patients with breast cancer. Further criteria were suppression of oestradiol serum levels and induction of amenorrhoea.Patients and Methods: Pre- perimenopausal, hormone receptor positive patients with breast cancer and up to nine positive lymph nodes were randomized into two study arms. Group 1 received adjuvant 11.25 mg LAD- 3M s.c. every three months for two years and group 2 six i.v. double cycles of CMF (Cyclophosphamide 500 mg, Methotrexate 40 mg, 5- Fluorouracil 600 mg each per m2)ondays 1 and 8 every 28 days. The progression- free survival after 2 years, was statistically analyzed for the per protocol (PP) treated patients in a confirmatory one- sided equivalence test according to Farrington- Manning. A difference of ≤ 10% was defined as equivalent. Results: In the (n = 526) PP population 83% (224/270) of the LAD- 3M and 80.9% (207/256) in the CMF group remained progression free after two years (p = 0.0002). Therefore the hypothesis that the treatment with LAD- 3M is clinically relevant inferior to CMF with respect to progression- free survival could be rejected. The side effect profile showed the expected symptoms with typical postmenopausal complaints and chemotherapy induced symptoms with LAD- 3M and CMF respectively. Suppression of oestradiol serum levels was more pronounced in the LAD- 3M treatment group and higher rates of amenorrhoea resulted with the CMF treatment. Conclusion: The 3 month depot of leuprorelinacetate in receptor positive, pre- perimenopausal patients as an adjuvant treatment is as effective as CMF and therefore is a real alternative to chemotherapy with a better side effect profile.



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