首页> 中文期刊>世界中医药 >唐容川“中西汇通”肝脏理论特点及对后世的影响




Tang Rongchuan is a famous Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)physician asserted to integrate TCM with western medicine.Under the wide-spread influence of western medicine,Tang Rongchuan redefine the functions and relationships of vis-cera based on both TCMand western physiology and pathology.He is a prestigious representative who masters both TCMand west-ern medicine.He argues that it is the form and quality of organs that decide their functions,and that transformation functions of or-gans originated from the substances and structure.He shares a unique view towards “liver stores blood and governs qi flow”, which had a profound effect on the theory of organ manifestations in Basic Theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine.This paper aims to analyze the theory of Tang Rongchuan,and thus to enrich the research of TCM.%唐容川是早期倡导中西汇通的著名医家,在西医学的传入对中医学产生巨大冲击的历史背景下,唐容川立足中医基本理论,借鉴西医学重要生理病理学机理,重新诠释了脏腑之间的相互联系和功能,是中西汇通学派的杰出代表人物之一。他认为脏腑结构决定功能,有相应的形质才会产生相应的气化功能,并且对“肝藏血,主疏泄”这一肝脏功能有独特的认识,这对后世《中医基础理论》中脏象理论的形成产生的重要影响。立足学术历史演变,阐释唐容川在中西汇通视角下肝脏理论的形成过程以及对后世的影响,从而归纳出唐容川所构建的肝脏理论结构和学术特点,为今后中医理论的发展提供借鉴。



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