首页> 中文期刊> 《无线互联科技》 >移动互联网时代信息传播模式研究




The progress of mobile Internet technology makes the development of the Internet has entered a new era of change, people more and more used to mobile Internet brings more intelligent and efifcient working environment and working methods. As a result, the information transmitted through the mobile Internet is different from the new changes in the new features of the new features. , of course, the development of new things is always incomplete, in now the technical support and hardware conditions and rules and regulations, mobile Internet for information dissemination channels functions still exist many hidden dangers and safety information dissemination problem urgently ifnd solutions. This paper brielfy describes the current situation of the development of the mobile Internet and traditional Internet were compared, put forward the transformation of the mobile Internet era, the mode of information, summarized the main features of the new model and new model gave birth to the dissemination of information.%移动互联网技术的进步使互联网的发展进入了一个新的变革时代,人们越来越习惯移动互联网带来更加智能、高效的工作环境以及工作方式。于是,通过移动互联网传递的信息也在其新特征的催化下出现了区别于以往的新改变。当然,新事物的发展总是不完善的,在现在的技术支撑、硬件条件和规章制度下,移动互联网用于信息传播的渠道功能还存在许多隐患,安全的信息传播问题亟待找出解决方案。文章简要概述了移动互联网的发展现状,并与传统互联网进行了对比,提出了移动互联网时代信息模式的转变,总结了新模式的特征和新模式催生出的信息传播的主要方式。



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