首页> 中文期刊>华西口腔医学杂志 >基于配准技术的微创牙种植导向模板的制作方法及应用




Objective To guide doctors in precisely positioning surgical operation, a new production method of minimally invasive implant guide template was presented. Methods The mandible of patient was scanned by CT scanner, and three-dimensional jaw bone model was constructed based on CT images data. The professional dental implant software Simplant was used to simulate the plant based on the three-dimensional CT model to determine the location and depth of implants. In the same time, the dental plaster models were scanned by stereo vision system to build the oral mucosa model. Next, curvature registration technology was used to fuse the oral mucosa model and the CT model, then the designed position of implant in the oral mucosa could be determined. The minimally invasive implant guide template was designed in 3-Matic software according to the design position of implant and the oral mucosa model Finally, the template was produced by rapid prototyping. Results The three-dimensional registration technology was useful to fuse the CT data and the denial plaster data, and the template was accurate that could provide the doctors a guidance in the actual planting without cut-off mucosa. Conclusion The guide template which fabricated by comprehensive utilization of three-dimensional registration, Simplant simulation and rapid prototyping positioning are accurate and can achieve the minimally invasive and accuracy implant surgery, this technique is worthy of clinical use.%目的 设计制作精确的微创牙种植导向模板,以指导医生准确地手术定位.方法 对行种植手术的患者下颌骨进行CT扫描,依据CT数据构建三维牙颌模型,并利用Simplant专业种植软件在三维模型的基础上进行模拟种植,确定种植体的位置和深度.对牙颌石膏模型进行数字化扫描,通过曲率配准技术将石膏模型和CT三维模型进行对齐,确定种植体设计位置与牙颌扫描模型的关系,根据种植体位置,在牙颌石膏数字化模型上利用3-Matic软件完成导向模板的设计,最后利用快速成型技术制作导向模板.结果 通过配准技术将CT数据与牙颌数字化数据相融合,设计出的微创导板定位精确,在无需切开口腔黏膜的情况下依然能够很好地为医生在实际种植时提供导向.结论 将三维配准技术应用于种植领域,结合Simplant模拟种植和快速成型等技术制作的微创种植导向模板定位准确,实现了手术的微创性与精确性,值得临床推广使用.



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