首页> 中文期刊>净水技术 >水库原水的常规与深度处理工艺效果比较




文中从水处理所关注的处理后水中三卤甲烷总量、藻类、铝、有机物、浊度、耗氧量及微小颗粒等水质指标对常规处理A水厂与深度处理B水厂出厂水质相比较.水库水经常规处理能符合生活饮用水GB 5749-2006的要求,但与臭氧生物活性炭深度处理工艺相比,出厂水水质特别是三卤甲烷总量、溶解性有机物、CODMn及铝还存在一定差距,而深度处理在浊度及微小颗粒物方面,则较常规处理略差.通过两工艺出水水质比较为进一步改进两水厂水处理工艺提供参考.%In this paper,the treated water quality indexes such as THMs,algae,aluminum,organic matters,turbidity and microparticles of conventional treatment in waterworks A are compared with that of advanced treatment in waterworks B.The reservoir water treated by conventional process can meet the drinking water requirements of GB 5749-2006,but compared with ozone biological activated carbon process,there is still a gap including THMs,dissolved organic matter,CODMn and aluminum.Water quality indexes of advanced treatment in turbidity and microparticles are slightly worse than that of conventional treatment.Through the comparison of the effluent water quality of these two processes,it may provide reference for the further improvement of the water treatment process of these two waterworks.



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