首页> 中文期刊>职业技术教育 >国际高等教育专科学位制度发展与实践探析--以澳大利亚副学士学位为例




在高等教育大众化和普及化的背景下,以美国、英国、澳大利亚为代表的发达国家和地区普遍在高等教育专科阶段设立了学位。对澳大利亚这一层次学位发展和实践的研究表明,这一层次学位同时发挥了促进学生就业和升学的双重功能,并把这一层次学位纳入到了国家的资格框架体系中。然而,这一层次学位在推行实践中也面临与本科衔接不畅、定位不准等问题。借鉴国际社会的经验和教训,我国应从一种系统的角度看待高职专科学位建设问题,应以高职专科学位建设为突破口,建立各教育层次和类型紧密衔接、互相融通的资格框架体系。%Under the background of popularization of higher education, some developed countries represented by the USA, UK and Australia have established associate degrees for two or three year higher education institutes. Analysis on the practice of associate degree in Australia shows that, the associate degree has played the double functions of promoting further learning and employment, and integrate the associate degree into qualification framework. However, the practice of associate degree also faced with the problems of poor linkage, unclear orientation, etc. referring the international experience, China should look upon the degree of higher vocational education from the perspective of system construction, and try to build a comprehensive qualification framework characterized by close linkage of various education levels and types.



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