首页> 中文期刊>职业技术教育 >处在探索期的我国高职教育产学研合作




走产学研合作教育之路,这是我国高等职业教育发展的基本路径,也是职教领域的共识.目前,高职产学研合作教育主要有物理混合型、化学化合型、生物嫁接型、生态共荣型4种类型.在推进上,注重以职教集团为代表的学校—行业—企业—政府四方联动.产学研合作效用的体现,重点是在"产"驱动下的"学"与"研",实现相关利益方的互惠双赢.我国产学研合作教育的内涵在不断扩展.从实践来看,高职教育产学研合作仍处在"探索期".%Taking the road of cooperation of education, production and research is the basic path of the development of higher vocational education in China as well as the consensus of vocational education circle. At present, there are 4 types of cooperation in higher vocational colleges which include hybrid physical type, chemical combination type, biological grafting type and ecological prosperity type. In operation, it pays attention to the joint interaction of school, industry, enterprise and government. The embodiment of the cooperative utility, its focus is in the production-driven "learning" and "research", achieve the mutually beneficial win-win situation of stakeholders. The connotation of cooperative education in China is increasingly expanding. From the practical point of view, the combination of cooperation education of higher vocational education in China is still in the exploration period.



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