首页> 中文期刊>职业技术教育 >美国先前学习学分的获取路径、实施现状及启示




America has established a relatively mature transformation system between prior learning outcomes and university credits. Its specific transformation ways are mainly DSST, CLEP, UExcel exams and Excelsior college examinations, portfolio assessment and military training programs. At present, the recognition rate of students and campuses for prior learning is high in America. However, problems exist: awareness and receptivity issues exist in part of higher education institutions and employers; due to lack of clear, consistent information, students are difficult to select appropriate credit transfer colleges. Therefore, to establish the learning outcomes accumulation and transfer system, it is necessary to firstly for governments at all level to provide the guarantee, secondly establish national test centers; thirdly establish national educational quality certificate authority; fourthly establish credit transfer information service platform; and fifthly for all kinds of organizations at all levels to establish education institutions alliance.%美国在先前学习成果的认证和转换方面发展相对成熟,其先前学习学分的获取路径主要有DANTES学科标准化测试、大学水平考试、伊克塞尔希学院的测试、学历档案评估、军事培训项目等.目前,美国学生和高校对成人先前学习学分的认可度都较高.但同时也存在部分高校和企业不认可ACE的推荐学分;学生进行先前学习评估的过程中缺乏清晰的具有一贯性的信息指导,很难选择恰当的学分转入院校等问题.因此,我国要构建学习成果积累与转换体系,可从以下方面着手:各级政府要为学分转换的实施提供保障;建立全国考试中心;建立全国性的教育质量认证机构;建立各级各类机构的学分转换信息服务平台;建立学分互换的教育机构联盟.



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