首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >医学实践教学中开展德育教育的必要性和途径




Medicine has a strong practicality, and practice teaching is an important link of the medical education, which needs to conduct medical practice education, more to conduct moral education. The aim of the medicine is to protect and promote human health, prevent and cure disease. Medical service object is a person. As a doctor, he or she should not only have superb medical skill, also has the noble professional ethics and the heart of love. At present, the situation of medical ethics in medical practice is not optimistic, and only strengthening the medical ethics education, especially the moral education in the link of practice teaching, can we change the status quo fundamentally.%医学具有很强的实践性,实践教学是医学教育的重要环节,在这个环节不仅要对医学生进行医学实践教育更要进行德育教育.医学的宗旨是保护和促进人类健康,预防和治疗疾病.医学的服务对象是人,作为一名医生除了具备精湛的医术,还要具有高尚的职业道德和仁爱之心.当前,医疗实践当中的医德医风现状不容乐观,要从根本上改变现状,必须加强医德教育,特别是实践教学环节中的德育教育.



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