首页> 中文期刊> 《价值工程》 >关于国际本位货币历史沿革与发展趋势研究的文献综述




Starting from the Bretton Woods system, the dollar had been occupied a central position in the international monetary system. This worldwide financial crisis has deeply showed that the existing system was ineffective to "constraint", and eventually led to the worldwide consequences. About the sustainability of dollar monopoly status as well as the future international standard currency pattern once again become the focus of attention and a very worthy subject of study. This article tries to card the basic features, operating mechanism, evolution of the international standard monetary system in the century history, leads to comprehensive understanding of the historical evolution of the international standard currency, and discusses several domestic and foreign academia mainstream views, and the future orientation, reform principle and program to follow the development trend of international standard currency, on the basis of evolution law.%从布雷顿森林体系建立开始,美元就一直在国际货币体系中占据核心位置,本轮全球性金融危机中亦深刻体现了现有体系难以有效“约束”美元,并最终酿成了世界性的恶果.有关美元垄断地位的可持续性以及未来的国际本位货币格局再次成为关注的焦点,成为摆在我们面前非常值得研究的课题.文章试图系统梳理百年发展史中国际本位货币的基本特征、运行机制、演变过程,引出对国际本位币历史沿革的全面了解.并归纳总结国内外学术界关于国际货币体系改革的几种主流观点,以基于演变规律的基础上,探讨国际本位货币的未来走向、拟遵循什么样的改革原则和改革方案以顺应国际本位货币的发展趋势.



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