首页> 中文期刊>价值工程 >“PDCA”循环在二级学院教学管理中的应用研究




二级学院的教学管理工作是一项涉及面非常广的系统工作,为做好二级学院教学管理工作,必须对二级学院的教学管理工作按管理单位或内容进行分解,那么PDCA循环在二级学院教学管理中的应用,也有必要层层跟进,进行深化、细化,使各基层管理单位形成各自的PDCA小循环,整个二级学院教学管理形成一个大环套小环的综合管理体系。%  The teaching management of secondary college is a systematic work that involves a very wide space. To do well the teaching management of secondary college, we must decompose the teaching management work according to the management units or contents, deepen the application of PDCA cycle in teaching management of secondary college and follow up every step, so that the grass-roots management units can form their own small PDCA cycles, and the entire teaching management of secondary college also can form a set of integrated management system.



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