首页> 中文期刊> 《城市交通》 >漫谈家乡武汉的城市交通问题




Based on what I observed during my hometown trip back to Wuhan, this paper identifies some traffic issues commonly seen in China, and presents accordingly several strategies to improve the situation, including a) managing urban roads and traffic operation by functional classification,and picking up speed limits along arterials; b) re-configuring intersection layouts and signalization to meet local traffic needs; c) constraining bus traffic on major passenger corridors through transit system integration; d) developing a comprehensive parking system to address unlawful on-street parking;and e) enforcing traffic regulations and laws to wake up the public for better driving/walking behaviors. Those traffic improvement remedies for Wuhan, one of the mega-cities in China, might as well be helpful elsewhere.%根据故乡武汉所见,总结了一些较普遍的城市交通问题,有针对性地提出几点改进意见,包括:区分道路等级来管理交通,提升高等级道路的行车速度;根据局部交通条件,对平面交叉口进行再次设计和工程改造;有机整合公交客运系统,控制主干路公共汽车流量;系统规划静态交通,解决占道违规停车问题;以及强化交通道德素质教育,提高公众遵守交通法规的自觉性等.武汉作为国内主要大城市之一,其城市交通问题具有一定代表性.针对武汉城市交通的一些改善措施,可供其他城市参考.



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