首页> 中文期刊>城市轨道交通研究 >上海轨道交通1、2号线列车编组“6改8”项目的技术对策及实施效果分析




The paper gives a brief introdution of the contradiction between limited transport capability and growing passenger traffic on Shanghai Rail Transit Line 1&2. After this, the author proposes a marshalling expansion plan, "6 vehicles to 8 vehicles", to solve this contradiction. Taking marshalling expansion of train AC01/02 as the example, the paper analyzes detail content of the modification, technical difficulties and solutions. This marshalling expansion project is not only to overcome a number of technical problems encountered by the vehicle transformation, but also an effective solution to satisfy the growing demand of passenger traffic. The practice could be a valuable reference for other citieshaving similar contradiction.%介绍了上海轨道交通1、2号线运能与日益增长的客流之间的矛盾,提出了通过对既有列车进行“6改8”扩编改造的解决方案.以AC01、AC02和DC01型列车增扩编改造为例,对其技术难度和改造内容进行了分析和说明.已实施的该项扩编改造工作不仅克服了车辆改造所遇到的若干技术难题,而且还有效解决了在列车扩编改造期间所造成的运能不足的问题.



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