首页> 中文期刊> 《交通科技》 >沥青胶浆对沥青混合料粘弹性的影响




为了研究沥青胶浆对沥青混合料粘弹性的影响,采用简单性能试验(SPT)对矿粉、添加剂和沥青三者组成的沥青胶浆进行研究,分析了粉胶比、纤维和水泥用量变化对沥青混合料粘弹性的影响。结果表明,粉胶比、纤维和水泥对沥青混合料粘弹性的影响程度不同,但沥青胶浆中添加适量的纤维、水泥后均可以提高混合料的抗高温变形性能。随着加入纤维量的增加,沥青混合料动态模量减小,而粘性增大;在胶浆中加入水泥对提高混合料粘弹性的效果不明显。另外,混合料动态模量随粉胶比的减少,先增大后减小,相位角逐渐增大。因此,在混合料设计时应注意对胶浆构成的比例,以达到改善沥青混合料粘弹性的目的。%In order to analyze the influence of asphalt mortar on viscoelasticity of asphalt mixture,sim-ple performance test was used to research the asphalt mortar which was made up of mineral powder, additive and the asphalt,and analyze the influence of ratio of filler,fiber and cement on the viscoelas-ticity of asphalt mixture.Test result shows that ratio of filler,fiber and cement has different effect on viscoelasticity of asphalt mixture,but asphalt mortar that added the appropriate fiber and cement can improve the stability at high temperature of mixture.Dynamic modulus of asphalt mixture was re-duced with the increase of fiber,and the viscosity was increased along with it.But asphalt mortar that added the cement was not able to improve obviously the viscoelasticity of asphalt mixture.Dynamic modulus of asphalt mixture was changed complicatedly with the decrease of ratio of filler,but phase angle increased along with it.Therefore,in order to improve the viscoelasticity of asphalt mixture, the structure of asphalt mortar during the design of the mixture should be paid attention to.



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