首页> 中文期刊>交通节能与环保 >城乡道路客运安全与应急处置规范研究




文章根据城乡道路覆盖城际、城市、城乡、镇村四级客运网络的生产特点,以城市公交、城际客运和农村客运为研究对象,将其应急处置对象分为运输在途不安全因素及不同态势突发事件.在此基础上,提出了科学合理的驾驶员和客运企业应对不安全因素和突发事件的系列规范,规范了驾驶员的安全行车要求和现场应急处置,以及客运企业的应急响应流程和响应措施.对进一步提升驾驶员和客运企业应对不安全因素和突发事件的处置能力,降低城乡道路客运安全事故发生率及事故后的人员伤亡和财产损失,具有重要的社会效益.%There were many hidden transportation safety hazards. According to the production characteris-tics that urban-rural roads cover four passenger transport networks (city, urban, urban-rural, town-vil-lage), the urban public transport, intercity passenger transport and rural passenger transport were taken as the research objects in this paper. And the emergency disposal target of urban-rural road passenger transporta-tion was divided into the unsafe factors in transportation and the emergencies in different situations. On this basis,the scientific and reasonable series specifications for driver and passenger transportation enterprise to cope with the unsafe factors and emergencies were proposed,to standardize the driver's safety driving re-quirements and on-site emergency disposal, and the passenger transport enterprise' s emergency response process and response measures. The research results would have important social benefits for improving the driver's and passenger transport enterprise's ability to cope with unsafe factors and emergencies,and reduc-ing the frequency, casualty and property losses of urban-rural road passenger transportation security inci-dent.



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