首页> 中文期刊> 《农业机械学报》 >金属带式无级变速器硬件在环仿真系统




Use the system identification to get the mathematic model of ratio-control-valve, clamping-force-valve and the clutch-control-valve, and then the CVT ratio response model, engine model and the whole vehicle model were set up by combining the theory and the experimental study. Based on the whole developed model, the hardware-in-the-loop test bench was set up. With the test data of one domestic CVT prototype vehicle taken as the example to verify the developed hardware-in-the-loop test system, comparative results between model response and the real vehicle prototype response show that the developed hardware-in-the-loop test bench can reflect all the characteristics of CVT vehicle. Therefore, the proposed hardware-in-the-loop test bench can be used for developing control strategy and diagnostic system.%采用系统辨识方法,建立了金属带式无级变速器(CVT)速比控制电磁阀、夹紧力控制电磁阀和离合器控制阀响应模型,并采用试验数据与理论分析相结合的方式建立了CVT速比响应模型与发动机及整车的响应模型.在该模型基础上,建立了CVT整车系统硬件在环仿真测试台.采用某国产CVT样车进行了实车试验,并将与实车试验相同的控制参数施加到模型上,观察模型的响应,与实车响应进行对比分析.结果表明,该硬件在环系统能够准确再现CVT的各项响应特性,可以利用该仿真系统进行控制策略和故障诊断系统的开发.



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