首页> 中文期刊> 《学理论》 >当代科技革命与食品科学发展的哲学思考




The theories and thought processes of food science coincide with those of modern science. The revolution of Science and technology can be seen as food source for their development,to enhance the cooperation among production, study and research, To achieve the innovation and development of food science and technology based on practice. The revolution of Science and technology have produced a huge impact on the traditional food processing industry, processing methods, testing standards, testing methods, early warning systems of quality control, as well as the theoretical framework of food science and technology, and provided a novel technology research platform. On the contrary, in order to meet the needs of scientific and technological development, food science and technology also promoted the revolution of science and technology at the same time of innovation.%  食品科学创新理论及研究开发的思维方法与现代科学理论及创新思维方法相吻合。科技革命可以看作食品科学技术发展的原动力,加强产学研合作,在实践的基础上实现食品科学技术的创新发展。现代科技革命对传统的食品加工产业的加工方法、检测标准、检测手段、质量控制预警体系乃至食品科学技术的理论框架都产生了巨大的冲击,并提供了新颖的技术研究平台,为适应科技发展的需要,食品科学技术在不断创新的同时,也促进科技革命的进程。



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