首页> 中文期刊>重庆与世界(学术版) >不同人口群体、社会群体对贷款在财务规划和消费方面的态度差异性研究——基于英国社会态度调查数据的分析




消费贷款是一个国家的信贷投资体系中的重要组成部分,从根本上决定了该国的经济前景和信誉程度,在当今的社会中使用信贷方式已经被广泛接受.因此,研究不同社会群体对个人消费信贷在财务规划和消费方面的态度的差异性,对于研究学者和金融行业来说都具有重要意义.本文从不同社会群体和人口群体视角,分析了不同年龄、种族、宗教、婚姻状况,对于贷款在财务规划和消费方面所呈现出的态度差异,以及各个因素独立和综合的影响程度.从社会和人口的角度扩大了研究范围,包括对这些变量综合的研究,试图可以给出一个更好的结论.研究表明:年龄不能作为一个独立的因素去影响信贷的态度,但是,年龄和性别的综合因素对个人信贷的态度有较大影响,可以观察出老年人对信贷具有明显的保守态度;而婚姻状况、种族和宗教很大程度上取决于数据的准确性.因此,对于信贷的态度也取决于个人可支配收入、家庭规模、居民经济、信贷获得的便捷性等因素.%Consumer credit forms a major chunk of a country's credit portfolio and is instrumental in determining the country's economic prospects and credit worthiness to an extent.It is now more acceptable and easily accessible by the consumers.Therefore,in order to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of credit,it is necessary to explore differences in the attitudes of different social and demographic group towards credit.This study aims to explore the differences in the attitudes of different social and demographic groups towards personal credit in terms of planning finances and spending.From the analysis,it is clear that age and gender do have a combinative influence on the people's perception of credit while marital status,ethnicity and religion greatly depend on the extent to which the data is accurate.Moreover,the perception of an individual towards credit could depend on disposable income,household size,resident economy,availability of credit,etc.



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