首页> 中文期刊>国土与自然资源研究 >基于熵权和变异系数组合赋权法的耕地质量评价实证研究




本文以湖北省崇阳县为研究区,结合耕地自然质量和立地条件确定评价指标体系,通过熵权法与变异系数法组合赋权,经兼容度检验,两种赋权方法兼容度为0.8325,表示两种方法组合赋权充分反映了指标的隐含信息,较为合理。利用TOPSIS评价模型计算该地区耕地质量分值后进行评价,将该地区耕地质量由高到低分为高、较高、中等偏高、中等、中等偏低、较低和低七种类型。研究结果对确保粮食安全、保障社会发展用地需求、划定基本农田范围以及国土行业相关业务具有重要意义。%In this paper, Chongyang County, Hubei Province as the study area, combined with the quality of arable land and natu-ral site conditions determine the evaluation index system, by entropy method and coefficient of variation combination of empow-erment, the degree of compatibility test two methods compatible with a degree of empowerment 0.8325, represents a combination of the two methods empowerment fully reflect the implicit message indicators, more reasonable. Use TOPSIS evaluation model to calculate the area of cultivated land quality scores after evaluation, the quality of cultivated land area descending into high, high, medium to high, medium, medium-low and low-low seven types. The results have important implications for ensuring food safety, security and social development demand for land, basic farmland delineated the scope of industry-related services and homeland.



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