首页> 中文期刊> 《唐都学刊》 >幽默语在美国情景剧《老友记》中的应用




Humor, as a special kind of cultural phenomenon, is defined by different people with different understandings and is found in many cultures in the world. For the cognition of humor, Chinese and A- merican differ a lot: Chinese emphasize on being jocular and irony while American on self - expression and enlightenment. This paper makes an analysis of the characters and the plot of the popular U.S. sit- coin Fr/enda, to show the differences hidden behind the different cultural backgrounds in the aspects of historical origins, Iingnistic devices and value orientation. Hence, by explaining the great difference in both countries, it is hoped that readers can understand the different cultures and enhance the communica- tions between the two countries.%幽默语作为一种特殊的文化现象,在世界许多民族文化中都有反映,但对于这种文化现象大家的认识却不尽相同。例如,对于幽默中美两国的认识就不相同,中国人多重于诙谐。讽刺;而美国人强调自我表现,开人心智。以风靡全球十年的美国情景喜剧《老友记》为语料,通过分析剧中人物对白,充分展现在不同文化背景下,中美两种不同幽默语在历史起源,语言手段和价值取向三方面的差异,阐述《老友记》中蕴含的独特美式幽默,使读者深入了解不同文化中幽默的差异。



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