首页> 中文期刊>亚热带植物科学 >活性炭对烟农19小麦发芽及其幼苗生长的影响




以烟农19号小麦种子为实验材料,采用园土为基本培养材料,用0.0(CK)、0.5、1.0、1.5、2.0 g活性炭与150 g园土混合均匀后装入培养容器中培养。发芽后测定小麦发芽率、株高、根长、鲜重等性状指标及还原性糖和叶绿素含量。结果表明:在实验范围内,随着活性炭施用比例的增加,小麦根长、还原性糖含量以及叶绿素含量呈先增后降的趋势,株高和发芽率持续增加。因此认为,适量施用活性炭能有效促进小麦的生长发育。%  With garden soil for basic training materials, the germination and seedlings growth of wheat variety Yannong 19 were investigated under the conditions of different content of activated carbon. The activated carbon 0.0 (CK), 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 g mixed evenly into 150 g of garden soil and were used to culture the seed of wheat variety Yannong 19. After germination, the wheat germination rate, seedling traits indicators of height, root length, fresh weight, and soluble sugar and chlorophyll content were measured. The results showed that within the experimental range, with the increase of the application rate of activated carbon, the wheat root length, soluble sugar content and chlorophyll content were rising firstly and then falling, but seedling height and germination rate continued to increase. So the appropriate activated carbon mixed in garden soil can effectively promote the growth of wheat.



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