首页> 中文期刊> 《路基工程》 >高速公路软基处理与固结沉降分析




With monitoring results of typical soft foundation cross-section deformation and pore water pressure at Fuliang test section of Jingdezhen-Wuyuan Highway in Jiangxi,the post-construction settlement and consolidation at the cross-section monitored are calculated,based on which both the reinforcement effect resulting from bagged sand well,two layers of geotextile and sand bed as the treatment measures for the soft foundation,and the effect of different depths and spacings of sand well on such settlement and consolidation are analyzed.As a result,a proper calculation method for the settlement and consolidation in the filling construction thereof,and the proper depth and spacing of the sand well are generalized and applied extensively,getting good social and economic benefits.%根据江西景婺黄高速公路浮梁软基试验段典型断面软基变形和孔隙水压力监测结果,对监测断面工后软基沉降量和固结度进行了计算.在此基础上,分析了软土地基袋装砂井+两层土工布+砂垫层的处理方法的加固效果,以及不同的砂井深度和间距对软基工后沉降量以及固结度的影响,得到了适合于景婺黄高速公路浮梁软基填筑法施工的路基固结沉降计算方法,以及袋装沙井的合理深度和间距.



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