首页> 中文期刊>科普研究 >晚清中小学生物教科书及其出版机构举隅




近代西方生物学知识随着传教士的大量涌入而传入中国。为了适应教会兴办的学堂需要,传教士编写了最早的一批生物教科书。清政府实行壬寅—癸卯学制之后,全国建立了大量的新式中小学堂,清政府及各级官办机构、民间书坊和部分学堂都出版了不少中小学生物教科书,这些教科书大部分是根据日本教科书翻译而来。相对于官办机构,民间书坊占据了清末中小学教科书的主阵地。清末的中小学生物教科书虽然尚不成熟,但对后来生物教科书的编写与出版起到了奠基作用。%Modern biology knowledge was transferred into China with the influx of western missionaries. In order to adapt to the needs of the schools set up by churches, the missionaries compiled the earliest biology textbooks. A number of new primary and secondary schools were established after the Renyin-Kuimao Educational System was put into practice by the Qing government. A large number of biology textbooks were published by the Qing government,government-run institutions of all levels,civil bookstores and some schools,most of which were translated from Japanese textbooks. Compared with the government-run institutions, civil bookstores occupied the main market of school textbooks. Although not yet mature, primary and secondary school biology textbooks in the late Qing Dynasty played a groundbreaking role for the later compilation and publication of biology textbook.



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