首页> 中文期刊>文化艺术研究 >佛罗伦萨的商业文化:基于文艺复兴时期三本佛罗伦萨商人日记的考察




Renaissance is liberation of ideas .Influenced by this ,the merchant class had a sense of ven-ture capital .They got rid of shackles of feudal values and feudal relations and selected multiple means and channels to cut cost and increase capital .Previously ,the academic discussion on the merchant cul-ture mainly focused on their normal commercial operations ,lacking the research on alternative ways to cut the expenditure .If this side of fact hid by businessmen is not revealed ,then the merchant culture would tend to be misunderstood .It does not appear in the general historical materials ,but scattered in mer-chant’s diaries .This article will sort out three Florentine merchants’ diaries ,reveal the secret of how the merchant uses the subsidy means beside normal business operations :gambling ,evading tax ,making use of personal relationships ,joining the government and other ways to earn money in order to gain some in-sight into the connotation of merchant culture in the Renaissance .%文艺复兴运动是一场思想解放运动,这种思想解放在商人阶级身上的体现就是他们具备了风险投资的意识,摆脱了各种封建价值和封建关系的束缚,选择多重手段和渠道开源节流、扩充资本。学界以往对文艺复兴时期商人文化的探讨主要集中在他们常规的商业经营上,对其另类的开源节流方式缺乏研究。如果商人所隐藏的这一面没揭示出来,往往会使我们对这一时期商人文化的理解产生偏差。商人这一面的形象并不会出现在平常的史料中,而是散布于商人的日记里。本文将通过梳理三位佛罗伦萨商人的日记,试图揭示商人如何利用正常商业经营以外的辅助手段---赌博、逃税、动用私人关系、投身政务等方式敛财,洞悉文艺复兴时期商人文化的另一种内涵。



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