首页> 中文期刊> 《体育文化导刊》 >欧洲中世纪体育的价值断层与意识绵延




From the perspective of "continuous" concept in Bergson's life philosophy, the sports of medieval Europe and its value are analyzed in this paper. That early political and cultural trends made the change of concept of medieval Europe sports. Fault in natural value, humanistic value and social value inherited from ancient Greece appeared. The arising of multiple sports centers on knight sports and partly based on public sports and padres sports proved the continuous consciousness of sports consciousness in the fault. This showed that regardless of religious or political force in the external control and interference can not vanish the heritage of internal sports consciousness of people, which is a inherent demand and the fundamental driving force of sports. Seeking for impulse of continuous and internal demand is to seek the value of sports for people.%从柏格森生命哲学中"绵延"理念视角,对中世纪体育及其价值进行剖析.认为:早期政治与文化思潮的出现,致使欧洲中世纪体育观发生了转变,从古希腊传承下来的自然价值、人本价值和社会价值出现断层,而以骑士体育为主、市民体育以及教士体育为辅的多元化体育的出现,又证明体育意识在断层中维系着某种意识绵延.这揭示出,无论宗教还是政治等外在的强制控制与干扰,都不能泯灭人们内在体育意识的绵延,这种绵延是与生俱来的需求,是体育内在的根本动力,寻求意识绵延的冲动和内在需求的满足,便是寻求体育之于人的价值.



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