首页> 中文期刊> 《特种油气藏》 >纳米油气的结构化聚集成藏假说




提出了纳米油气结构化聚集成藏假说及其验证的工作方案.试图自行设计一套模拟-观察实验装置,通过模拟纳米油气在地下温压条件下的赋存状态和结构特征,来验证和修正所提出的假设,并运用纳米科技的基本原理,对模拟实验结果进行合理解释,以明确纳米油气的赋存状态,阐明纳米油气的结构特征,揭示纳米油气的聚集机制,总结纳米油气聚集成藏模式,最终经过理论提升,形成纳米油气结构化聚集成藏假说理论框架,为纳米油气成藏理论的形成和完善提供依据.%In this Paper, hypothesis for structured accumulation of nanometer hydrocarbon, together with programs for verification of the hypothesis have been proposed.In addition, independently designed simulation-observation apparatus have been developed to simulate occurrence and structural characteristics of nanometer hydrocarbon under formation temperatures and pressures.Eventually, hypothesis proposed can be verified and modified.In addition, fundamental principles of nanometer technologies can be used to provide suitable interpretation for simulation and test results to clarify occurrence of nanometer hydrocarbon, to highlight structural characteristics of nanometer hydrocarbon and to disclose accumulation mechanisms of nanometer hydrocarbon.In this way, accumulation mode of nanometer hydrocarbon can be identified.Through theoretical summarization, theoretical framework for structured accumulation hypothesis of nanometer hydrocarbon can be generated.Relevant researches may provide reliable foundation for generation and modification of theories related to accumulation of nanometer hydrocarbon.



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