首页> 中文期刊> 《东南文化》 >博物馆经典藏品资源的文创产品开发——以曾侯乙编钟文创系列产品的开发为例




Making reproductions or developing products based on collections has always been a focus of operation for museums around the world. These reproductions have the features of"cultural and creative products"with regard to communicative impacts,economic effects,market value,cultural value,and creative connotation and therefore should be identified as merchandises and developed according to market rules.Hu-bei Provincial Museum developed a series of products based on the Bell Set of Marquis Yi of Zeng,one of its most important collections, in seven categories with one hundred varieties. These products represent the va-lue and essence of the original bell set.They also have practical value and are meaningful for heritage protec-tion and research. Experiences learned from the case of Hubei Provincial Museum include: to find creative inspiration from the essence of the original objects, to resort to modern technologies, and to adapt to market orientation creating a complete product series and forming an integral system of R&D and marketing. Fur-ther efforts are expected from the central government on the cultivation of R&D and marketing professionals and the control of the qualification of production companies.%对博物馆经典藏品进行复制,或者萃取其文化元素开发衍生产品,一直为博物馆所重视.这类复制品从传播效应、经济效应、市场价值、文化价值和创意内涵诸方面都体现出"文创产品"的性质,应该纳入"文创产品"市场予以定位、规划.湖北省博物馆对馆藏经典藏品曾侯乙编钟开发了七大类百余个品种的文创系列产品,它们既体现了藏品原型的价值和精髓,也具有保护、研究和实用价值.目前我国博物馆文创事业还需要在经典藏品资源的研究、市场研发人才的培养、衍生品系列的完善、跨界同质资源的整合以及复制品制作单位资质的把控等方面加大推进的步伐.



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