首页> 中文期刊> 《南方人口》 >'养' 与 '工' ——超龄农民工养老模式的探索性研究

'养' 与 '工' ——超龄农民工养老模式的探索性研究



Under the background of increasingly aging , the research of overage migrant workers' support has important theoretical and practical significance for the solution of the rural age support system. the exploratory research of a field survey finds out that the majority of overage migrant workers are women at their 60-70s with lower educational backgrounds of elementary school. Family support is their first choice and most of them like to return their hometowns to settle down. With great consciousness changes in elderly support , they have increasingly awareness of self support and most of them can accept the social endowment mode. Although it is difficult to solve the practical issues , the family support mode is still the main way to support the overage migrant workers in quite a long period of time. The community endowment and social endowment support of the overage elderly have a long way to go , and the participation of employment is still a rational option to utilize the human resources of the overage migrants.%我国日益严峻的老龄化背景下, 针对超龄农民工养老问题的研究无疑具有重要的理论和现实意义, 并且也为农村养老问题寻找解决路径. 本文通过探索性研究, 采用实地问卷调查的数据分析,了解到超龄农民工以女性居多, 集中在 60-70 岁, 大部分人文化程度处于小学水平; 家庭养老仍是首选, 希望在家乡养老; 养老观念已发生改变, 自我养老意识增强, 接受社会养老; 自我养老水平低,并存在较大风险. 目前, 虽然家庭养老出现难以解决的实际问题, 但它在相当长一段时间内仍是超龄农民工主要养老方式. 虽然社区养老、 社会养老发展成为趋势, 但是制度机制仍有待于健全. 超龄农民工参与就业, 是一个可以合理开发利用的人力资源.



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