首页> 中文期刊>四川文理学院学报 >《花间词》中“巫山神女”意象的文化学意义




The image “Wushan Goddess”first appeared in “Gao Tang Fu”and “Goddess Fu”written by Song Yu in the period of Warring States, whose initial meaning was mostly related to love. Since that,“Wushan Goddess”had derived a series of relevant literal images which have repeately been rewritten by writers in literal works and it has gradually been changed from the signle symbol of love into the cultural signs of abundant meanings. In the late time of Tang Dynasty and Five States, the theme about“Wushan Goddess”was written in a special Chinese poetry named after “ci”. The image “Wushan Goddess”recorded in Huajian Collection embodies the mutual permeation of Ba culture, Chu culture and Shu culture.%以“巫山神女”为代表意象的文学作品最早出现于战国时期宋玉的《高唐赋》与《神女赋》,而它最初的意义也多与情爱相关。此后,“巫山神女”便衍生出一系列相关的文学意象,被文人们在文学作品中反复地吟咏,其内涵也从单一的性爱符号逐渐衍变成具有多重内涵的文化符号。晚唐五代,“巫山神女”题材也进入词的创作领域。《花间集》中的“巫山神女”意象体现出巴文化与楚文化、蜀文化互相渗透融合的特征。



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