Using data obtained from an extensive survey of the Hebei plain, this paper discusses the status and distribution of ground ifssures, and summarizes their spatial and temporal distribution and main causes. Ground ifssures occur widely on the Hebei plain, and have the tapability on the region and have a relatively cluster in local area. These ifssures develop from south to north, and most have speciifc directions. Some ifssures show repeated activity. Statistical analysis identiifed several types of these ground ifssures:those caused by fault creep, secondary ifssures triggered by earthquakes, ifssures caused by lowering of the shal ow water table, those caused by uneven settlement induced by uneven ground, those caused by karst and cave col apse, and so on. Ground ifssures are often caused by several factors, but there is always one dominant factor. By analyzing the different causes of ground ifssures, we can implement appropriate response measures and so minimize losses.%以大量实地调查和资料收集为基础,论述了河北平原地裂缝发育现状及分布特征,总结了地裂缝时空分布规律和形成的主要影响因素。河北平原地裂缝分布普遍,其活动具有区域上的成带性与局部地段的相对丛集性,发育由南向北扩展,走向也大多为特定的几个方向,有些地裂缝具有反复活动性。对河北平原地裂缝的成因进行统计分析,其主要包括断层蠕滑地裂缝、地震引发的次生地裂缝、浅层地下水水位下降引起的地裂缝、地层不均匀导致不均匀沉降产生的地裂缝以及岩溶塌陷和采空区塌陷引起的地裂缝等。地裂缝往往是几种因素的综合作用,其中以某一种因素作为主导。对不同的地裂缝进行成因分析,可采取不同的防治应对措施,从而最大限度地减少损失。