首页> 中文期刊> 《山东农业科学》 >秸秆还田条件下耕作方式和氮肥配施对儒麦1号产量的影响




秸秆还田小麦栽培技术已成为目前小麦生产中需要研究解决的关键问题之一。为进一步提高小麦新品种儒麦1号的产量水平,发挥其增产潜力,2014~2015年生长季通过设置秸秆还田四种耕作方式和三个氮素施用水平的田间定位栽培试验,研究其对儒麦1号产量的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田深耕模式和666.7m2施氮量20 kg 组合最利于儒麦1号产量的提高,秸秆还田两旋一耕是比较经济的耕作模式。%The cultivation technique with straw returning has become one of the key problems in wheat production at present.In order to further fulfill the yield increasing potential,a field located experiment was conducted in growing season of 2014 ~2015 to study the effects of tillage mode and nitrogen fertilization under straw returning on yield of new wheat variety Rumai 1.Four tillage modes with straw returning and three nitro-gen rates were designed.The results showed that deep tillage under straw returning combined with 20 kg per 666.7m2 of nitrogen was the best for increasing the yield of Rumai 1,while the mode of two -year rotary tillage +one -year deep tillage after straw returning was more economic.



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