首页> 中文期刊>山东农业科学 >山东东南沿海绿茶成分的UHPLC-MS/MS分析




本文采用超高效液相色谱-质谱联用技术(UHPLC-MS/MS)分别对5种山东东南沿海绿茶进行了定性和定量分析.茶叶样品粉碎后经50%甲醇(v/V)超声提取,提取液进样分析,采用Hypersil GOLD C18色谱柱分离,以0.05%甲酸-水溶液和乙腈为流动相梯度洗脱.结果表明:5种山东绿茶的儿茶素组成基本一致,只是含量上有差异,其中山东朱芦中EGCG、EGC、GC、EC、C和ECG含量均高于另外4种绿茶,而GCG的含量在山东巨峰中最高;共推测和鉴定出24个化合物,其中还包括两种原花青素二聚体,这在文献中报道比较少.%The qualitative and quantitative analysis of 5 kinds of green tea in the southeast coast of Shandong were conducted by ultrahigh-performance LC and tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) in this study.The smashed tea samples were analyzed after ultrasonic extraction in 50% methanol (V/V).And the separations were carried out using Hypersil GOLD C18 chromatographic column through gradient elution with 0.05 % formic acid aqueous and acetonitrile as moving phase.The contents of 7 catechins in 5 kinds of Shandong green tea were quantified,and 24 compounds were identified.The composition of catechins in fresh leaves of Shandong green tea was similar,while the contents differed.The contents of EGCG,EGC,GC,EC,C and ECG in Shandong Zhulu were higher than those of the other 4 kinds of green tea,while the content of GCG was the highest in Shandong Jufeng.Meanwhile,among the 24 compounds,two kinds of procyanidins dimmers were less reported.



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