首页> 中文期刊> 《陕西医学杂志》 >N末端脑钠肽前体检测在心原性与肺原性呼吸困难鉴别诊断中的意义




Objective :To explore the significance of diagnosis of Nt-pro barin natfiuretie peptide(Nt-proBNP)in the cause of dyspnea. Methods : 80 cases of patients with dyspnea were selected from September 2009 to May 2010 according to the cause of dyspnea, the patient were divided into cardiogenie group caused by left ventriculardysfunction) Corpulmonale group caused by lung dieases). 40 healthy cases were selected simultaneously. The levels of Nt-proBNP in three groups were detected , and left ventrieular ejection fraction were detected by echocardiography in eardiogenic group and Corpulmonale group. Results: The level of Nt-proBNP in cardiogenie group compared with Corpulmonale group ,there was a significant difference (P<0. 05) ;the level of Nt-pmBNP in eardiogenie group and Corpulmonale group compared with control group respectively,there were significant differences (P<0. 05) ;the left ventrieularejection fraction in eardiogenie group compared with Corpulmonale group , there was a significandifference (P < 0. 05). Conclusion : The level of Nt-proBNP in cardiogenic dyspnea and Corpulmonale dyspnea much higher than that in healthy cases. The level of Nt-proBNP in cardiogenie dyspnea is much higher than that in Corpulmonale dyspnea,detection of the level of Nt-proBNP has clinical significance to diagnosis of the dyspnea cases.%目的:探讨N末端脑钠肽前体(Nt-proBNP)检测在不同原因呼吸困难诊断中的意义.方法:选择呼吸困难患者80例,根据引起呼吸困难病因不同,分为心原性组(主要为左心功能不全引起)和肺原性组(主要为肺部病变引起),同时选择健康体检者40例为正常对照组,检测3组血浆Nt-proBNP水平;采用超声心动图检测心原性组和肺原性组的左室射血分数、左室舒张末期内径、左房舒张末期内径.结果:心原性组Nt-proBNP水平与肺源性组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);心原性组、肺原性组Nt-proBNP水平分别与正常对照组比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05);心原性组左室射血分数和肺原性组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:心原性呼吸困难和肺原性呼吸困难患者血浆Nt-proBNP水平明显高于健康成年人,心原性呼吸困难患者Nt-proBNP水平也明显高于肺原性呼吸困难患者,应用Nt-proBNP对呼吸困难的病因诊断有重要的临床意义.



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